Basic Symptoms of depression?

Hello everyone. As you all know depression is a very big and serious problem nowadays and a person who is suffering through depression is going through a lot of negativity in his life and he needs to know about depression and should try to treat it as early as possible. But how we can identify that a person is suffering from depression? What are the basic symptoms of depression?

1) Feeling unhappy
Depression starts with a negative feeling or feeling unhappy about anything for a continuous period of time but a negative feeling about anything for a short time is not depression. But if someone is suffering from the same problem for a long time then he may be suffering from depression.

2) No interest
If a person is feeling bored every time and enjoying anything and is losing interest in anything he is doing he may be suffering from depression

3) Excessive Sleep
If a person is having sleep problems which include oversleeping or not able to sleep well or not having a quality of sleep than he may have a lot of stress and that's also is a symptom of depression.

4) Lack of concentration
 A person suffering from depression will not be able to concentrate on anything he does because his mental peace is disturbed and he doesn't have interest in anything.

5) Excessive weight loss or weight gain
when a person has any stress or if he is suffering from any problem in his mind than his body also has a negative impact of that as the individual can suffer from the problem of unintentional weight loss or weight gain.

6) Feeling of guilt
If a person is feeling guilty and blaming himself for anything he has done in the past for a continuous period of time without forgetting that is also a symptom of depression as he is stressing himself continuously.

7) Negative thoughts like suicide
If a person is having any negative thoughts or if he is not enjoying his life and if he is just bored of his life and has negative thoughts like suicide than it's a very serious problem and a symptom of depression.

8) Disturbed ability to think
 A Person with depression is not happy with himself, what he is doing and has suffered from disturbed mental peace and that affects his thinking ability as he is not living his life normally.

9) Ignoring close family or friends
 This is also a clear symptom of depression if a person ignores his close family members or friends, whether he is unhappy with them or other reasons and if he continues this he gets more and more depressed.

Depression is a really big and serious problem. It's a problem which continues for a period of time and generally, it takes about 6-8 months to get an individual in a normal state. A temporary feeling is not depression. It's very important to know about symptoms of depression so that you can help yourself and your closed ones if you think they are going through this problem. It's a serious problem but an individual should be strong to counter this problem. You should try to be as happy as you can because everyone has got only one life. Keep smiling.


  1. Thanks for sharing these symptoms, it is very easy to identify depression. To overcome from it the depression medication is very helpful or you can try some other techniques.


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