
Showing posts from May, 2019

Real and Inspiring Story of a failure?

Hello everyone. Let's start with the story. There was a boy named Chris. Chris was a very naive and disciplined boy. He always has a dream to do something good for others by helping the ones in need when he will become successful in his life because he used to feel very hurt and sad whenever he sees someone sad and unhappy in their life. He always thought that how someone can be so sad in life and how someone can Suffer from so much pain and struggles in the one life he/she has got. He always has respect and love for every human being and gets very happy whenever he sees someone smiling and happy in their life. But his family ambience (environment) was not as good and positive as it should have been because of the poor relationship between his mother and father and there used to be regular fights between his father and mother which created a lot of negativity in his house. But after some time, he got used to it. His mother and father love him but didn't express that

Dream: How dream can stop you from being successful in life?

Hello everyone. We all want to be successful in our life and also have some dreams which we want to achieve and fulfil in our life and that's a very great thing. Dreams are one of the most important parts of our life and give us a great purpose and motivation to work hard in our life but the reality is that you need to work hard for your dreams and only having dreams can't make you successful in your life. Dreams are the reasons for the Success of many people in this world but it can also be the reason for the failure of many in their life. But how dreams can stop us from being successful in our life? In this world of technology and social media, every one of us has some very big dreams and that's a great thing but are we giving the efforts and time which is required to achieve that goal? What is happening with a lot of people nowadays is that they are just thinking about that they will do that or will get success in their life by doing that but they are not

How to overcome stress- 12 ways to deal with stress in your life?

How to overcome stress Hello everyone. Stress is increasing day by day in most of us life and sadly becoming the part of our life. Stress may be related to anything like money, relationship, and study in youth etc. But what's the reason and permanent solution to overcome stress.  Stress is a mental thing( it is related to our thinking and the consequences of something which has happened with ourselves) and that's why it depends a lot on the decisions we take or the way in which we tackle a particular situation in our life. The problem is that most of us remain stuck in the problem we are facing and don't know how to make a decision when we are in tough situations and also fails to find the real reasons for the stress in our life and that increases the stress in our life.  So, these are some ways to overcome stress in your life by making some reality-based changes in your life and taking smart and right decisions in your life. Read it completely because

22 Most important and Best life Advice?

Life advice Hello everyone. We all have different perceptions about life and wants to be happy and successful in our life but we do some mistakes in our life that hurt us and that's why some good and timely advice can help us in our lives and few of these are: 1) Be fearless. Life is too short to live with fear. Fear limits the happiness of an individual and also stops an individual from doing something big and becoming successful in life. 2) Never ever underestimate and doubt your capabilities. Have a strong self-belief in yourself to face every situation in your life. A person without self-belief will reach nowhere in life but a person with high self-belief will find a way to get where he/she wants. 3) Never ever try to go for the shortcut to succeed in life. The shortcut will never work in the long term. It's very good to take some time to do something. Don't believe and depend on shortcuts even if you have got a small result from that shortcut because it

Why do we feel the difference between ourselves and a successful person?

Hello everyone. We all know about many successful people in our life whom we like and thinks about how he/she did that? We think that how they are so intelligent to get where they are and to achieve what they have in their life. Many times we say that their life is very easy and something like what we can dream about in our life and that's the reality too. But how they achieve so much in their life? Is there any difference between us and these Successful people in this world? Can we also do what they have done or we can't? These are some questions in mind of most of us. Why we feel a difference in ourselves and successful person This is the reality that there is some difference between us and the people who are successful and that's the reason that they achieved so much in their life and that's the reason that they are so successful. But is that difference is about the capability of us and Successful one or others? The reason we feel the difference betw

Importance of Health- How Health is important than Career in our life?

Importance of Health Hello everyone. What's the most important thing in your life? Most of us will answer that career is the most important thing in our life which is very right but do you know when we are giving this answer we are not even considering the most important thing even than our career which is our Health. In the race of becoming something and achieving something we have forgotten about the most important thing in our life which is our health and we are not giving any time of our life to take care of our health and that's the worst decision of our life. Once there was a man who was very smart and wants to get a good job in his life to have a good Career and live free from any pressure of money in life. He worked really hard to achieve his goal but forgot to take care of his biggest strength and important thing that will help him to achieve what he wants- Health. There was no routine in his life. He used to sleep late, eat a lot of bad food for health. And

Effects of Social Media- Are you wasting your precious time?

Effects of social media Hello everyone. Social media is an amazing platform for every one of us and almost everyone uses social media and have a social media account and there is no problem in that. But there are many effects of social media in our life that we even don't know if we don't use it properly and systemically. As most of the things, social media also have some advantages and some disadvantages as well and we are going to discuss some reality-based effects of social media on us so that we can manage our life in a particular way and control ourselves a bit for our own benefit. 1) Time and Career See the biggest reality in this world is that if you want to be successful or do something significant in your life you needs to focus and give your time for that particular thing so that you can achieve what you want. You need to work if you want to achieve something in your life and you definitely know that but in terms of applying this simple principle, most

20 Reality-based Truths of Life for everyone?

The truth of the Life Hello everyone. Everyone has different perceptions towards life and today we are going to discuss few reality-based truths of the life that will definitely help you in your life. These are explained in short but have everything you needs to know. Read complete: 1) Life will become very hard if you think that life is hard and simple if we think that way because our brain acts according to our thinking. 2) The biggest lie is that you can't do anything in life because everyone in life is very much capable of doing what that individual wants they just need to discover their best. 3) You won't get respect from others if you don't respect yourself. You should love and respect yourself because no one follows a person who doesn't believe in himself and the other reason is that you are the best friend of you in this world. 4) Money is a very very important part of our life whether to survive or fulfilling your dreams but our happiness redu