Meaning of Happiness in life?

Happiness Meaning

Hello everyone. Happiness is a word of which you all are familiar with but what real happiness is and what is the meaning of Happiness? Happiness is a feeling of getting inner peace and getting everything that you expected from your life at a particular time and enjoying each and every moment of your life. It's a feeling of satisfaction from your life and loving your life.

Meaning of Happiness , what happiness means to you, who is a happy person.
Meaning of Happiness

Happiness is a feeling and it is not visible but it's the best feeling and experience you will get and expect from your life. Every individual has different opinions and standards for their happiness. Few instances which show the real happiness of a person.

1)A kid playing with his toys and smiling.
2) Parents watching his child smiling and showing their love.
3) when a person achieves his dream.
4) Helping a needy person and the feeling after that is real happiness.
5) Making your family members proud is happiness.
6) True love with someone.

These are few instances where a person gets a very special feeling and that feeling is the real happiness and this is what the meaning of Happiness.

Who is a happy person, what is the meaning of Happiness.
A happy family

What Happiness means to you?

Everyone has a different definition of happiness according to their dreams because everyone has a different dream and thinking.

For someone, money is real happiness because they want more money in their life to enjoy. For someone their family well being is happiness.

For someone, Happiness is helping others and just achieving a standard goal which may not be related to money and for someone just to talk with different types of people is the meaning of happiness. So, it's different according to different types of people.

Mostly the combination of all the things above is what makes an individual happy. Everything that makes you happy is the real happiness for you and the real meaning of Happiness for you.

Who is a really happy person?
We all discussed the meaning of happiness and how it has a different meaning to different persons but who is a happy person in reality and are you a happy person. So, there are some qualities of a happy person.

1) A happy person always has a beautiful smile on his face and is relaxed.

2)  He never cares about others that what anyone would say if he/she is doing something good and enjoying the way he is doing.

3) He always enjoys helping others who need their help and believes me helping someone is the best feeling someone will get in their life.

4) A happy person always influences his close ones to be also happy.

5) He enjoys every moment of his life as he will not get the same chance again. Like dancing like no one else is there. It means just utilising every single moment to be happy because that's what life is all about.

Happiness is the most satisfying and a pleasure giving a moment for everyone. You all must try to be as happy as possible in your life irrespective of what is your condition because we all have got just one life and if we are not happy anytime we are just wasting our precious time in something meaningless. We all have different goals and we should work to achieve these with one thing remaining constant and that is happiness. That is what the meaning of happiness is and that's what happiness should mean to you. So, come on let's live in a positive way which is to live happily. Love you all!
