How to design your thinking to become successful after failures in life?

Design thinking to change your life

Hello everyone. We all take actions in our life according to our thinking and how we have designed our thinking in our life in any situation. As we all know, we can go only as far as we think in our life.

Design thinking, how to design your thinking to be successful in life

We all are similar to each other and also got a brain as everyone else have. But even after every similarity that we have, we can easily differentiate two persons and can term one as good or bad and successful or unsuccessful.

From where did that difference come from? It's all about the actions we take in our life and the way we have designed our thinking and brain to perform in different situations.

We may have made ourselves weak from inside or stronger from inside and that's where thinking and personality of an individual are tested.

Solution oriented thinking for good future

There are two types of thinking and thinkers in this world in terms of results and these are problem-oriented thinking and solution-oriented thinking.

How to change your thinking to be successful in life

Most of the persons are problem-oriented in their life which means that they are affected by their past very much in the present.

 They feel disheartened and sad on the basis of past failures and that's why they have fear in their mind to take actions in the present and that's the main reason for the unsuccessful life of any people.

 You need to do something to become successful in your life and the problem with problem-oriented people is that they remain in the past even after a fresh new day with the new day has arrived.

On the other hand, there are persons who are solution oriented and they almost have a solution to their every problem and have the ability to control everything in their life by thinking about the solutions and actions that they should take to get out of a particular problem or situation.

A person with solution-oriented thinking has every chance to be successful in his life and achieve everything he wants in his life because he asks himself about what to do to get to his desired position in his life instead of what has happened in the past.

How to design your thinking?

You should try to be a solution-oriented person and that is very simple. You just need to think simple and doesn't overthink in your life. If you have any problem or suffer from a problem than you should think about how you can overcome that and shouldn't think that you can't.

You should order yourself that you should do that and you have to do that particular thing to overcome that problem.

Just change your thinking from problem-oriented to solution-oriented and take actions and you will see a huge difference in your life and will see a change in your critical thinking in any situation and will always get a way to get out of every problem and difficulty in your life.

Have you ever imagined that you are just increasing your problems by having fearful thinking and if you are thinking about your past?

You should always focus on your present and how you can make your future better whether you have failed in your past or if you were successful in your past.

If you were very happy in your past than it isn't the security that you will have similar happiness today as well and that shows the importance of what you are doing and thinking in your present.

Show your strength in tough situations.
We all are powerful enough to handle every situation and problem in our life but the problem is that we don't think about that in this way.

You should show your strength and courage in the tough conditions to take actions to overcome your problem.


Everyone suffers from problems in their life but it depends on the design of their thinking that they will overcome these problems or not.

If we think we are losers than there is no way that we can become successful because we will not take any actions after thinking that. Overthinking is a killing problem.

But if we have a solution oriented thinking we will be definitely successful in our life and can control every situation.

Life is all about what we think and our body takes actions accordingly. So, you should try to think simple, think positive and think solution-oriented in your life to be successful.

You should always try to have a smile on your face and be strong to control every problem in your life and always remember you have only one life and you should live it in the best possible way. Thank you.
