Why we get stressed in our life?

Hello everyone, every one of us suffers from stress in our life. Some of us are stressed financially, some are stressed emotionally and some with other reasons. Being stressed in life is very normal as everyone experiences it at some point in their life for different reasons, but the problem occurs when stress becomes a continuous part of our life.

When we are stressed and getting more stressed day by day than it's a very big and serious problem and it will be great if we find a way to get out of this situation because most of the times we are stressed unnecessarily or we are not going in the right direction and it makes our life worse and most of us starts to take our life as a burden which is worst for someone alive.

Why we are stressed in our life

To change something which is happening outside us we need to change ourselves first and most of us know about that and that principle applies to most of the things in our life and if we can identify the reason for our stress and bring small changes in ourselves than there are chances to make our life beautiful.

These are few common, realistic and practical reasons for the stress in most of our lives and if you understand these you can minimize stress in your life and can have a different perspective of living life in a very positive way. This will be a very straightforward discussion.

Financial, Career and Mental Stress

1) Not knowing what to do/ No purpose/Goal

Yes, many have become something very different from their goals or what they wanted to do in their life and are living a very successful and amazing life.

But the other reality is that goals give you a lot of clarity in your life that what you want to achieve and how you are going to reach that point.

And when your goal and purpose is combined than it will be the greatest force in your life to help you reach the path of greatness. You should know what you have to do in your life and most importantly why you want to do that?

Aim high and don't underestimate yourself while deciding what to do in your life. Your imaginations can be the reality in your life. 

And in between if you find a better opportunity than your set goal and if you think that you will be more happy and successful after doing that than you can change your goals if you are confident, willing and feels it's worth it and can pursue that.

Aim setting will help you to avoid a very big problem in your life which most of us are suffering and i.e. after reaching a certain point of our life we are confused and don't know what to do with our lives and we get a lot stressed in our life.

But what if you didn't have an aim in your life and now you are suffering because of that? The answer is that find a way yourself for you because your life is your responsibility and instead of regretting your past look at your future positively different things with your life because most of us don't know what to do in our life. After all, we haven't seen or tried enough things in our lives and we aren't aware of the opportunities around us. 

Having a goal or purpose is not very necessary but is very very helpful in our future and in some cases, it is very necessary as well. So, try to work systematically and enjoy your life.

2) Not Being Yourself

You could have read or listened to it before that we all are different and are capable of doing some amazing things in our life. But very few of us it and apply it in our life.

It's not a thing which is directly related to being stressed in life but is very very important to live our life happily and limitless.

Most of us have some very good thoughts in our mind and we think something really good that will help others also but we don't dare to express those things in our lives and the end that best thing about us becomes useless because we never did what we thought.

Be yourself in your life because it is your life. When you express yourself you have much more opportunities for you and you can show and use your skills in a better way. Even your talent or potential will be of no use if don't express it.

Enjoy your life being yourself but always remember you should always remain a good human being. Never be shy of being your real self and everyone else also like true people. It will give you a new way of living life.

3) Thinking but not Implementing/ Not taking actions/ Learning but not utilising

Most of us want to be successful in our life but we aren't ready to take the actions required to achieve that. Thinking is very very important and in fact, it is the first step of bringing a change and creating something good.

But we should not get stuck on the first step and we should take the next steps after step to bring our imagination in reality. Whether you want to get a good job, start a new business or something else, you need to start taking action.

Thinking without implementing is just a waste of time and most of us are doing this and the reason for it can be that we are not confident or we are just thinking about it because we are attracted towards the outcome and if that's the case then you are going on a wrong path.

Always think realistically which means you should ask yourself what you want and are you ready to give what is required to achieve that thing. 

Think Practical, Think True.

4) Focusing on the Outcome and not the process/ Wanting more with fewer Efforts

In this time of social media, many of us are influenced by the lifestyle of others. We want to have a lifestyle as them but the truth about social media is that it's not like what you see, in reality.

To achieve something we need to have patience and ready to go through the process. If you want to go a long way and live happily and peacefully you should love what you do or do what you love.

Don't be greedy of the result and don't get lost in the fake things otherwise, it will be just a waste of time and you will not be able to turn your dreams into reality.

If you are not true and realistic with yourself then you can suffer when you will have the responsibility in your life. 

5) Lack of Self Belief

How you can succeed? Answer- By making yourself capable enough, A person with whom you will spend your whole life and who is closest to you? Answer- Yourself, Who will feel the pain if you get injured? Answer- You.

You are the person who is responsible for everything in your life and even after knowing that you don't value yourself much or don't believe in yourself or if you think you are not good enough in your mind then it's not a justice you are doing to yourself.

It's not about what you show but it's about what you feel deep inside you. Always try to be peaceful inside you.

To build self-belief in you first take responsibility for yourself and the most important thing is to keep trying new things and your life and continuous learning. 

Instead of doubting yourself, you should try to make yourself better and stronger to face tough situations in life. It is your responsibility to believe in yourself( real, not fake). Live freely, live limitless, live real.

6) Comfort Zone

Comfort zone has all the power to destroy your life and it limits your capability to do or achieve something in life. Comfort zone is a place where the growth of a person stops and eventually it will lead to a lack of happiness and success.

If you want to achieve something good and valuable in your life then you must come out of this prison. Live your life limitlessly otherwise your life will be automatically limited.

Comfort zone will never help you to get the best out of you, it will never push you to experience new things, it will never make you feel happy and satisfied and the worst it can leave you in a place where you will not know what to do with your life.

Just live your life freely and try to find the best version of yourself because we all have infinite capabilities and if can use them properly then we can do something seriously amazing not only for ourselves but for this world also.

7) Improper use of social media

This is a time of social media and almost all of us are on social media and that's good but the actual problem is that very few of us know how to manage and use social media to create balance in our life.

What social media does is that it seriously impacts our brain. If we overuse social media our critical thinking capability reduces and when we are stuck in a problem we don't know how to deal with that and after that, it becomes a big burden on us.

You are more stressed because you are wasting your time and energy and also your ability to perform under tough/testing conditions. You become addicted to consuming more content and you will not have the time to do valuable things in your life.

There are so many disadvantages of too much use of social media. So, use it wisely. Focus on other good things like meditation, exercising and reading etc. that will help you in your life.

If you are addicted to social media than you would need to show to your mental toughness to deal with it and the best way is to focus on new habits which will help you grow in your life.

 8) Laziness/ Lack of Curiosity

It is related to being in a comfort zone. A person who doesn't have food to eat and is feeling very hungry can't be lazy. 

See the fact is that our body is made to be active which means laziness is something which is not well suited to us humans. When we get physically lazy our mind gets into ann ultra-active mode i.e. Overthinking. 

And when we want to achieve something but are not willing to take actions than everything in our mind gets messed up and that creates a lot of stress and anxiety.

So, be energetic and enjoy your life. Be curious about your life and exploring different things and ultimately it will give you success and happiness. Curiosity means we are willing to live happily and know more.

You will experience positive energy around a genuinely happy person.

9) Perfectionist

The biggest reason why most of us don't take actions in our life is that most of us wait for the perfect time or we focus a lot on our limitations than our capabilities.

The best advice that I will give everyone is, to be honest with yourself. It means you should know what you are doing and does it for you in your life or will it help you or not but underestimating yourself is not honesty, it is just small, useless and negative thinking.

You should be ready to take actions in every situation of your life. There will be no time in your life when you will feel everything s perfect and by the time you will realise it you would have lost a lot of time and that will lead you to stress.

Just do what you think is important and can positively change your life. Overthinking is like  'giving a chance to your brain to say no to taking actions'.

Try now, take actions you will learn and grow in your life with time or wait for the perfect time and keep waiting.

10) Lack of Patience

In this social media world, we have access to everyone and we are very much influenced by rich and successful people and that's a great thing and the best way to learn from those people.

But the problem occurs when we want to achieve what they have without putting the efforts to reach that point. When we are in hurry to achieve something we lose our focus from that particular thing and that's why most of us fail to achieve what we want.

You should enjoy what you do and that's is only possible when you love what you do or when you start to love what you are doing at present. 

If you are focusing on work than there are high chances that you will get some tremendous results for your efforts. Focus on doing something that adds value in the life of others (problem-solving) and that will help you immensely in your life.

Always ask yourself are the efforts you are putting are good enough to achieve what you want in your life? 

11) Stuck in your Past

I know that you have heard this many times in your life and honestly it is the most common and biggest reason for the excessive stress in most of our life.

Indeed don't forget or erase your past from your mind and that's not the problem but the problem is when your past stops you from growing further and getting a move on in your life.

Remember your past but in a way that it helps and motivates you to achieve something meaningful in your life. You are capable of not only helping yourself but the others in needs also and that depends on how you utilise your capability.

Be brave to take a step ahead because that is what will help you otherwise you will get stuck in your problems and will be surrounded by them always. You need to find a good way out. Move on!

What's gone is the past and what you have now is the reality and what you will make out of what you have right now will be your future.

 12) Not taking help/ Not communicating 

See, sometimes in our life we get stuck or we don't know what to do even after thinking for a very long time. We keep on suffering more and more inside. In these times when you are not finding a way, it's great to communicate with your closed ones.

If you are comfortable to tell your problems to someone then go and tell and seek advice. We don't know everything in our life and sometimes what we only need to change things around in a positive way is a different perspective. 

There is no shame in asking for help instead it shows your strength. We all learn a lot of things throughout our life from others and by observing others.

But what if you don't have someone with whom you can share your feelings and problems? Then there is only one option and that is, you should stop thinking more and take more actions. 

It means if you have a financial issue than instead of wasting time thinking too much about that and stressing yourself more you should search about the ways to earn money by practically taking the actions.

When you have no one with you than you have the strength inside you to help you get out of your problem. Be mentally tough and ready to face challenges. 

Don't be afraid of losing anything when you don't have anything.

13)  Thinking you need or you have to do something very big to be happy

It's great to think big and indeed you should think big but it doesn't mean you can't be really happy in your life until you reach a specific point set by you in your life.

This is also one of the biggest reason to be stressed in your life. Live the moment and enjoy the process otherwise, you will put a lot of mental burden on yourself. Life keeps going on. Happiness doesn't need a destination but what happiness requires is the acceptance of your present and a decision to be happy.

Thinking big doesn't mean you have to pressurise yourself in your life but it is meant to bring the best out of you. Thinking big doesn't mean you are a loser if you haven't achieved anything big by your standards in your life but it means giving your best to make something good happen in this world through you.

Happiness depends on the way of living and what you are thinking in your life. A person who is not as financially good as you can be more happy and satisfied in his/her life and there are many such examples around you if you notice.

You can be really happy with every small thing in your life if you want. Don't be dependent on anything to be happy and enjoy the process.

Happiness is a decision and if you ready to accept your present and starts looking at what you have and how grateful you are than you will be really happy in your life.

14) Spending more than your capability/ Showing off 

Debt is one of the biggest and worst things that you can face in your life. Live real and live according to your life situations. If you don't earn good and are spending too much then it would lead to a very big problem in the future for you.

The most important and best advice for you is to know your capability and then spend, don't try to impress others by doing something out of your limit in the present. 

If you want to spend more than you should focus on becoming more skilled and capable to achieve what you want in your life. You should know your capability.

Taking debt is the biggest mistake if it is not necessary. If it's necessary than it's a different case. It's better to live a simple and peaceful life than having big assets with you and the bigger burden of it in your life. 

It's advice for everyone and the rest depends on your situation and your ability.

15) Trying to control the uncontrollable/ Not controlling the controllable/ Not focusing on yourself

We can't control everything in our lives and that's why it's very important to know where we are focusing on our life. The biggest mistake we do is that we focus too much on things that we shouldn't focus on and ignore the things we should focus on.

You can't control everything outside you but the thing that you can control is yourself and to be honest, in this social media world we are not even able to control ourselves and our mind.

You should focus on changing yourself and the outside world would not bother you much. If you are affected too much by the things happening outside than you can a thousand reasons to worry.

Get positivity from outside, get your inspiration but don't buy negativity for free because it will not help you. 

16) Life Reality

See, in reality, life has many ups and downs or you can say that life is not always like what you want There are so many possibilities in your life that you can't even imagine. Life will test you and your attitude will decide how you will live your life.

Make yourself strong enough to face challenges in life rather than praying for an easy life if you want to do something significant in your life. Don't be scared life is not that hard if you accept the reality and implements it in your life.

You are the person responsible for your life and should make yourself as better and strong as you can so that you can understand and help others also in your life.

17) Giving up before trying/ Fear of Failure

Why most of us are stressed? The reasons are that we regret our past decisions. But why and what you regret in your life? Most of us regret our past decisions and that why we didn't take a particular step/action at a particular time in our life.

This is directly related to a lack of self-belief. There are a whole lot of people among us who believes that they are not worth it and they are not good enough even before making ann attempt. And later in our life when we know the reality we are very upset with ourselves because we realise only if we have tried we could have done that particular thing.

There are many things that you are doing now which you once thought about how you could do that or will you be able to do that. You know these things well. Until you are trying something good and useful you should not be afraid of trying again and again.

People are afraid of failing but they don't know the reality that not trying is the biggest failure they will ever face in your life. Trying something in your life is like finding a way to succeed in your life. 

What most of us fear we lose something if we take a step forward in our life? Will you call yourself a winner if you don't face failures in your life because you haven't tried anything in your life or will you be proud of yourself even if you fail because you have tried honestly in your life?

Life is not as complicated as we make it by thinking too much. You should think whether the thing you are doing is worth it or not and if the answer is that Titsworth it then you should take the action instead of overthinking.

Action takers achieve something in their life because knowledge without implementation is useless. Why you are afraid when you have nothing to lose but everything to win? 

The worst thing that will happen is that you will fail and nothing else. You will learn from it and will become more strong mentally and can stand up again and succeed.

A general point which is not very directly related to stress

18) Help each other/ Humility/ Empathy

See, the biggest reason that we are stressed is that we don't know a way to get out of our problems and we have no one around us to guide us.

If we help each other whenever required and if we treat others with humility than it will be great for every one of us and will help a lot of us in our life.

Helping others is one of the best and most satisfying things in our life. Humility is very important in our life. We all should try to understate the perspective of what we achieve in our life.


You need to change yourself to change the world around you and if you think based on reality than your life will be a lot simpler and happier.

You will face many unexpected situations in your life and your attitude will take you forward. Don't be afraid of the words hard work, attitude and stress which are repeatedly used and don't think that life will be very hard or am I good enough?

You are capable to face every situation in your life. These points which are discussed above tells us that there are many small mistakes, misunderstanding and lack of clarity in our life makes us stressed and we can correct them very easily.

Enjoy every moment of your life and don't overthink, just learn and keep living a happy life and help others if you can because we all deserve to live happily.

Have a great life. Thank you! 
