How to minimise stress in a student's Life?
How to minimise stress in students' life
Hello everyone. Stress and anxiety are increasing day by day in this world and especially in the young generation and students which are really a worrying indication for the future.There are many reasons for the increasing stress in the life of a student like a career and future planning, getting admission in good colleges, high expectations from family and many other things.
But one truth is that when a lot of pressure is created on someone or if someone takes a lot of pressure in his life than it disturbs the peace and happiness in his life and this has a very big negative impact on the life of an individual.
And the other thing is that life is not only about results but it's the combination of efforts and happiness. If the younger generation is taking stress than it's not good so how we can minimise stress from Students life? Let's discuss it from the points of view of both parents, teachers and students:
1) Future Guidance
There are lots of young people who are very confused about their future or their career and when they don't find an answer they start to take a lot of stress and this further increases their problem.We should try to guide the students or the younger generation well so that they can have a goal in which they also have an interest. It can also be done by letting the students their own decisions in life if it's not wrong.
Students should also search about their career and should give them some time in searching and if you have something in mind then do it and it will reduce a lot of stress.
2) Self Belief
We should always appreciate the efforts of an individual and should have belief in them and that will make the student or young generation to build a lot of self-belief in himself and that's the biggest strength of an individual.Many young children are stressed because they believe they can't do anything else than something they decided or they are not good enough to do something big and that leads to them stop trying and increasing stress because they didn't see any other scope. That's very Wrong thinking.
A student should have or build enough self-confidence so that he is confident enough and strong enough to take a step forward even after failing a few times and is ready to improve himself instead of taking the stress.
Develop thinking which is solutions oriented which means you are thinking about what you should do rather than thinking about what you should have done.
Read: Importance of Confidence and self-belief on yourself in Life
3) Efforts, not results
The biggest reason for stress in a young child is to think a lot about results. It's good to work hard towards a goal but if after giving our best efforts we are not able to achieve what we wanted then you shouldn't worry much or take the stress.Because what you can do in your life the best is to give your honest efforts. We should feel very proud of the efforts we put because results are not in our control.
And what this type of thinking will do is that you will enjoy giving your efforts and will be ready for even failures and if you will fail you will try to put more efforts or do something else.
4) Opportunities
There are a lot of opportunities available in this world and the that's really very true and that's what we should know and believe.We shouldn't feel worried because we have failed when we tried something. What we should is to learn from our mistakes and should tell ourselves or children that there are a lot of other and better opportunities available and we should try to explore them and work towards them.
5) Regular Communication
We should talk regularly to students about their life so that you can know if there is anything wrong in their life or if they are taking any stress in their life. Communication is one of the best ways to relieve the stress of an individual.A student should also feel free to communicate with anyone he/she wants and should discuss if there is any problem in their life so that you can solve your problems.
6) Healthy Lifestyle
Health is the biggest asset of an individual and a healthy lifestyle also helps in relieving a lot of stress from our life. Everyone should try to eat healthily and live healthily.You should give some time towards your health by exercising, meditation and by doing any activity you love and you will get some amazing results in the long run. Healthy lifestyle reduces stress, increases energy and mental as well as the physical strength of an individual.
7) Do what you like
In this fast growing world young generation have forgotten to enjoy their life. You should try to go outside your home and play some outdoor games you like to be healthy physically and have a happy mind.Just give yourself some time to do what you like be it be playing, singing, dancing or whatever just do what you like for some time every day and you will feel more focussed and happy in your life.
Just give your mind some breathing space by keeping your smartphone away from you for some time. Smartphones are one of the biggest reason for stress if you aren't using them in a good way and can be also useful if you use them in that way.
Read: Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones in our life?
Life is not a burden or something that we should take stress about to live. Life is never that hard and you should believe that and give your best efforts without really worrying much about results.
In reality, we have a lot of opportunities in our life that most of us don't even know and that's what we should know and let others also know by telling them.
Another truth is a happy mind have a lot more possibilities for success. Your life is not only about positive results and there may be failures but these are to make you stronger.
Always try to be happy and enjoy the only one life you have got because it's way above our expectations and has a lot more opportunities and chances that we think. Thank you so much.
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